These pictures are from 19 February 2005. Some friends together just for the fun of traveling by train. None of us took many pictures this day. None of us intended to do so on forehand.
Wir haben Arbeit We got a job (for you) this sign announces. I never wanted to work for the Railways. I thought it would spoil the fun I had in railroading. Was it right…………… -
19 Februer 2005 at Oberhausen. The driver watches the conductor to see if he can depart with his S Bahn train to Duisburg. -
19 Febr 2005 Three generations Oberhausen Bhf underpass -
19 Februar 2005 at Essen Steele Bhf. The usual (ex DR and sometimes nick named Trabi) DB143-830-8 with a S1 service to Dortmund with its train departs. -
19 Febr 2005 Oberhausen Hbf. Some Dutch friends and gricers order drinks on a cold day. Just touring by train through the Ruhr=area. -
Hmmm … all those free leaflets with interesting rail information and just 3 minutes to search the DB info shop at Oberhausen. News sniffing. -
I am convinced I saw a number somewere ………….. -
19 Febr 2005 Essen Steele with one of the last DB218 011-5 passing while pulling its S Bahn train to Essen -
Theo reading the small letters. It is here on this map …. -
19 Febr 2005 driver inside a new DB648 dmu. Troubles with the software as all new trains seem to have for a while … -
19 Februar 2005 bub we managed to reach Fröndenberg. Here we changed trains again. Soon after this picture it started snowing again and temperatures dropped to a chilling level. -
Venlo station running boy besides departing Veolia 3118 and ex Noordnet 3222 on 8 Dec 2007 Most people have an affection for trains even if its only to run with for a moment -
Jan Theo Alex Armin enjoying Germany the hard way Dortmund 19-2-2005 aphv -
Jan Vrijs at Krefeld Hbf tram stop 22-12-2007 aphv -
in a Veolia Stadtler 2 car dmu from Nijmegen to Venlo 22-12-2007 aphv -
Gregory-Peter inside the SBB-CFF 11852 Ae 8/14 Verkehrshaus Lüzern, CH -
The tram simulator Gregory-Peter Verkehrshaus Lüzern, CH what is the fasination with railroads that some carry a life long -
Travelling makes appetite growing and in Switserland hotels & restaurants are nearby most railway stations as here in Brig with godson Gregory-Peter and godfather Peter sharing a meal. Railfanning with two is much more pleasant 16 Oct 2009 thank you waiter -
Peter walking along the BLS Südrampe Wanderweg on 12 June 2007 -
At Haythe engeneer talks with visiting school boys.