Welkom – Welcome Posted on 19 July 2012 by admin (0001) 4 october 1974 Bergen op Zoom, negative number 0001 the start of thousands of photographs. Today no more films. Only digital images but again with Nikon cameras. Although the start was with old Ricoh, Agfa and a Rolleicord before the first Nikkormat came in. All four are still alive and functionable. See what has changed in the European railway world. Coal has disappeared since that time. No more local deliveries with freightcars. Bergen op Zoom has no rail connection to its industry anymore. Road and shipping have won the battle supported by shortsighted (local) politicians. Railways are no longer shipping agents. They allowed themselves to degrade to run mostly vast amounts from terminal to terminal for third parties. 4 maart 1999 Polen te Sroda. Onderweg met Jan Lemmens en Theo Geuskens with 2 friends travelling by train on a visit in Sroda photo by Hans Casteleijn 1986 drinking a beer in Gotha Sept. 2003 visiting Rumania here in the streets off Arad. Photo by Wim van der Ent 3 May 2004 Nottingham – Inside a pub at the Old Market Square a VIG (Very Important Gricer) is spotted holding our order number. The meal was for me very British and tasted good. Thank you Curly. 24 August 2004. near Bai Qi Inner Mongolia, China. Things are changing so fast we in the west can hardly imagine. Within a year this 960 kilometer highway was build and ready. It will hit the number of passengers going by rail. Even on China s new highways (to) much freight is already being moved. A huge oil hunger is being created. 27 August 2004. Reshui getting a hair cut and a wondelfull head and shoulder massage for 35 Yuan taking almost one hour. The rainy afternoon was a perfect moment for this new experience. The blond lady pinned up at the wall we never met in Reshui or anywere else. photo: Bernd Seiler No spitting please. It will be more difficult to learn all paople not to throw waist everywere. Every street used to have and still often has its open air dump. The smell off garbidge is sometimes everywere. 12 August 2004 31 August 2004 Bai Qi – Ji Tong Rly guest house. Still smoking at that time. 29 August 2004 near Lin Dong China. Moped taxi and rainbow 22 September 1979 less weight and more (black) hair 9 June 2004 travelling through the interesting railway and tramway landscape in the Ukraine. 2 Weeks in a hoteltrain is exciting. photo by Gerard de Graaf DF4 1923 build in 1997 at Jiujianpao line Wladiwostok – Harbin build original in Russian broad gauge. This now Chinese station still reminds about the lines Russian history 2003 England ; Dear Curly and a friend from his garden Merelbeke 2 April 2005 at RR crossing on NMBS ground 31 March 2002 Boys are making fun of the -Long Nose- who is photographing trains at Tiefa near their home 6 November 2004 an route in a first class train from Cairo to Alexandria with met in a train friend Mohamed. Trains are a good way to meet people and socialize. May 2005 Valencia – Spain. A small monument for a little girl that died? Trams are part of motorised traffic in many cities. Little children are part of another world. And sometimes things go wrong.