Nordfraschlönj Railway Lines Posted on 29 December 2014 by pvelthoen Near Klanxbüll 2 DBS-218 type Locs pulling a Sylt Shuttle to Niebull on 19 July 2014 NEG VT 71 motorcar with DB IC Kurswagen just before Maasbüll, Schleswig-Holstein 19 July 2014 Friedrich Wilhelm Lübke Koog in Kreis Nordfriesland 16 July 2014 DBS-218-371and 3xx leaving the Hindenburgdamm coming from Sylt with a island Shuttle on 17 July 2014 DBS 218-380 and sister 376 with IC from Hamburg arriving at Niebüll on 17 July 2014 Coming From Dagebüll Mole NEG-T4 just before reaching Maasbüll with IC Kurswagen on 27 July 2014 A NEG motorcar at Dagebüll Mole 17 July 2014 connecting with ferry and bus. On the left far away Hallige Oland The Dagebüll 900 mil Werksbahn tp the Halligen Oland and Langeness hear leaving the main land at Dagebull. Schoma lok on 17 July 2014 Siemens Dispolok ER20-011 operated by NOB pulling a Sylt bound train passing Risum-Lindholm on 17 July 2014 DBS 218-344 heading a Sylt bound IC passing NOB local pushed by MAK DE2700-08 on 17 July 2014 near Risum-Lindholm DBS 218-364 and -341 hauling a Sylt Shuttle towards Sylt 17 July 2014 DBS 232-274 passing Langenhorn – Schleswig-Holstein and its last classic signals with freight heading for Denmark 18 July 2014