Lille the 600 volt area Posted on 23 April 2012 by admin 01138 Lille 29-4-1978 SNELRT 509 at the depot 01139 Lille 29-4-1978 SNELRT 914 and sister works car at the depot 29-4-1978 01134 SNELRT 518 432 508 and 433 awaiting a Amitram fantrip depot Lille 29-4-1978Lille 29-4-1978 01137 Lille 29-4-1978 SNELRT 432 as Amitram special leaves the depot Avenue de la Republique 01144 SNELRT 504 from Roubaix at Lille – Avenue de Flandre 29-4-1978 01139 terminus Rue Leon Trulin Lille 29-4-1978 with SNELRT 519 for Tourqoing and 504 for Roubaix TEC Lille depot with second hand Duewag cars 10-9-1985 TEC 371 terminus Tourcoing 10-9-1985 TEC 375 line R terminus Roubaix on 10-9-1985