Kiel Posted on 14 November 2010 by admin KVAG 243 and 252 line 4 Holsten Bruecke 6-4-1984 Kiel KVAG 351 and 354 work cars on duty at Am Berliner Platz 6-4-1984 KVAG 241 and 251 line 4 Gayk Strasse 6-4-1984 KVAG 273 with trailer 69 line 4 Sophien Blatt 6-4-1984 KVAG Magirus Deutsch overhead service car Werft Strasse near the depot 6-4-1984 KVAG 245 and 247 on line 4 at Gablenz Strasse crossing the railway tracks near Hauptbahnhof 6-4-1984 Kiel KVAG 267 and 76 line 4 Sophien Blatt on 6 April 1984