EVB Posted on 13 July 2008 by admin Bremervorde 5 june 2005 Bremervorde 5 june 2005 Bremervorde 5 june 2005 Bremervorde EVB 420-01 on 5 June 2005 Bremervorde 5 June 2005 EVB 281 Z-gestellt. Just been taken out of service at that time Moorexpress to Stade at Bremervorde Hbf on 5 June 2005 On the reopenend line Zeven to Tostedt EVH 169 117 116 wait at the former stop Kuhmuelen while DGEG members take photographs EVB VT 154-02 at Hesedorf with its unmanned and empty but still beautiful rural station building so typical for northern Germaan 4 June 2005 Still only used for Moor Express is the Bremervorde to Osterholz – Scharmbeck rail line here along the Arensfelder Damm at Osterholz EVB 116 117 169 The EVB cooperates with MWB and here MWB 1020-041 pulles a containertrain through Bremerhafen Hbf towards Bremen while the EVB Trax is a sleeping second.